Saint Dragon CHEAT MODE: During play, press the [Caps Lock], type one of the following cheats, then hit [Return]. 'DECAFFEINATED' - Infinite lives. 'KYLIE' - Awful music :-) 'MEDITATION FUNCTION' - Crashes the program. 'I HATE THE RADION ADVENT' - Same as above. After you hit the [Return] key, turn off the [Caps Lock] to activate your choosen cheat. You can also try typing in one of the following, the only problem is that I don't know what they do! 'SOMETHING SPOCK BUILT' 'THE GNOME AT HOME' 'WE LOVE THE PUNTENTTAY' 'WHATS WRONG NEVER SEEN A GUY WHO SLEPT WITH A FISH BEFORE' SAINT DRAGON ------------ Whilst the game is playing type the following, followed by a number from 5 to 10! Remember to push the CAPS LOCK key as well. LEVEL Takes you to the next level. LIVES Infinite lives. WEAPON Gives you a better weapon. CREDITS Infinite credits.